Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Unreal map for Machinima

I am using a modified version of a map I created earlier. Mostly because it fit my Animatic story setting. Partly because I believe in effective use of created items by me, that may at times come in handy.

Unreal Map props

Some rocks were featured in my animatic, therefore it seems only right to include them in the Machinima. This is my mesh and, the rock texture is a photoshoped picture I took.


Thursday, October 25, 2007


Yeah nearly there! Woohoo!


This lighting and camera angle was looking ok, so I figure it may give some diversity to the pics I've been capturing.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Run boy run, like a bad boy. anyway this quick render is frame one of my run animation, it appears to have fluid motion though as i move on and do my other animations, I may yet need to 'tweek' them a bit.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Second character

Well this photo referenced character image seems to work ok, as far as this project goes there is little time left to scrutinise over it more, as there are so many other things to focus on.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Progress on skin

I have made some progress tonight on the skinning of my model. Right at the moment I want to just save and close and come back with a fresh mind as to what my goals are. Lately I've been researching many things, some helpful though that in itself is time consuming.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Skin and rigg trouble! Oh boy.

Unfortunately I am having some trouble, for some unknown reason, the clavicle's (shoulders)keep popping up of their own accord. Not good, because it does ugly things with my arm skinning. At this point I should throw out the skeleton and start from scratch lest It grieves me more later!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Skin and Rig of biped

The screen capture here depicts my character with an edit envelope highlighted, this is the area where the related bone affects the mesh. The importance of getting this procedure right, is so the character will animate without stretching the mesh in a horrible way. Therefore when I work on my animations, I can be happy because I'd done this right! Each step is important and needs attention.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Merc from UT

This is the Mercinary that I hijacked, duplicating the xscale so that it would fit the animation cycles. Worked well.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Face 2

This a an Image sourced from the web, I am using him as a reference for my second face, it is nearly ready, just a few touches and tweeks and I'll post it. First I need to try it for fit, and make any adjustments. Though it is looking really good.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Playable test in UT2004 (without texture)

So this is my mesh inside Unreal Tournament, it does not have my texture on it here.
As I said it is a test to see if I could import it, and considering that this step alone can be problematic, It is nice to have it work. I still need to spend time on my textures and then import those into Unreal Tournament where it can be applied to the Mesh. So Many steps! But never the less this is good, and indicates where adjustments may need to be made with the skinning of my model, so as we do our custom animations it will look right. Also we have use of all the existing animations, in my case here from 'human male a', whom I hijacked.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Character eye

I painted my character eye seperately from the face , then integrated that after. I will post the full face soon after I have tested and tweeked it.

Behind the scenes development of Stranglehold

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Animatic DE107's

This is my animatic. (Animated story boards) With edited text.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Animatic.. DE107's Hu-Ahh!!

Hand Drawn character sketches were imported into 'after effects.'This is useful to help pace out the timing of the story in relation to the machinima.
The animatic is a simple representation of how the story will play out, though it has only simple motion and cut scenes, it vastly aids the story telling process, and conveys the story to others effectively.
This is a means to an end, part of a process rather than something final.

Body UVW Template

This is the body of the model, symmetry was used in creation of my 3d mesh so there is two legs arms and feet laid over, so there is one that needs to be painted (great time saver.)

Face UVW Template

So This is cylindrical unwrap for my models head. Basically it is like a peel away, it looks tidy so it should be nice to work with in photo shop, where I will paint the face probably. Otherwise I could try using a photo of a friend and see if that works. I think that I will try both because I have two characters using the same model. they will be clothed identically in their uniforms but have different complexions/appearance.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Full Body Render

The Render has the default grey applied to it with some simple lighting. From here there is a clearer indication of a model that is ready to be textured and how it will look as a silhouette.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Profile of Armour

I'm just checking it over, making sure that there is a nice 'Poly' flow, the unwrap will be much easier if so.

Body Unwrap

Most of the body is unwraped, still the head and armour needs to be done, like yesterday.

My DE107's Body Armour

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The arm unwrap

Ok, so this is what UV mapping/unwrapping looks like, it is a tedious process and according to how well the model was done it can make this process faster and easier. However there is no real easy or quick way to do this. IT is a process of getting your checker pattern to look right, so that stretching and distorting of your mesh is limited when you come to apply your texture.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

For Visual studio I have a few of my story board sketches as a PNG file,(transparent background) Hopefully it will all get sorted out in tomorrows class, no room to muck about because the clock is ticking.

I need to get back to my character mesh and finish that up, because I will have to start the UVW map/unwrap ASAP. (To prepare for texturing the mesh)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I need to get these sketches into visual studio on Thursday to begin the animatic, which essentially is a moving story board type animation.
Some frames i will need to convert the background to be transparent, so I can have them integrated or moving across one another to get some feel for how the timing works.
The timing, the dialogue and sounds will be referenced to this for the machinima which will happen later.

Ideally things should match up from this early stage, so I will need to get the story/script polished up tomorrow, which will be a bit of guess work, though I will try and time reading the dialogue etc, and work with that on Thursday.

I should work towards two minutes but no less, I intend to create some sounds and beats and put speech and lyrics over that also.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Profile of my 3D mesh

From the look of this profile shot I may have some more tweeking to do and over the next few days I'll begin with the next phase. The picture on the left is a 'flat' view this shows you the sillhouette and this important gecause this element is what is imported into the game engine.
I may post a couple more screen shots of this guy firstly and get the thing right, he has no neck here, but he will be whole soon.
Looking forward to see how this guy looks when he's done!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The backstory on my Machinima

Several months ago at the end of their eighteen-month assignment the remaining members of the DE107 off world recon/assault team has been abandoned and presumed KIA. They are left to their own devices to survive and find a way in the world to not only survive but to come out on top as that is the way they are used to having it.
The rest of their squad has been wiped out and as faithful comrades to the passing of their long time friends, they intend to fulfill their pact.
To take care of the others loved one's financially to the best of the efforts, since their fallen brothers can no longer do so, and their salary and death recompense is hardly enough to survive on.

They devise a plan to become mercenaries and therefore put their their skills to work for a price, and since they are doing it for a Good cause they have all the more reason to expect success even at such a high cost to themselves and the possibility of losing their own lives.
The Idea is two make one mesh and get two characters for the price of one, I intend to do a bang up job on the texture and get two different looking guys out of it ie. one will be white guy the other will be black guy and relate the machinima to these differences in appearance and attitudes.
My characters will be faced with difficult circumstances so i want to make their armour look a little worn and scratched with some personal embellishments so there are unique one from the other.
These guys have supposedly survived a long time after an op, and possibly have scars to the armour and scuffs here and there. I am very pleased to present the two remaining members of the DE107's advanced off/world assault recon 'AO-WAR' team. F@#^ yeah.

This Machinima will have elements of humour and music, possibly some course language.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Basic humanoid mesh

My Humanoid mesh in a fairly early state, seems to be taking shape ok. He's headless but don't worry, he'll be handsome very soon.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hey guys, we are the DE107, well what's left of us.
Come join us on our adventure, 'cos we gonna get paid.'

"CanYouDiggItBaby" aka James, our creator will lead us to glory and good times y'all.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Concept art and colour swatches

My Preliminary sketch of a trooper to be designed in 3dsmax.

Project overview

The Machinima that I will be developing is about two surviving members of a elite group, call sign DE107.
They are presumed dead and abandoned by their higher command, they have come to terms with this predicament and have been surviving by working together by relying on their skills.

The story so far in terms of script is about these two guys discussing what they can do to make a real load of money by a slightly shady means.
Their intention also of helping their deceased team-members families, by aiding them financially, this was part of their private pact.
They must devise a plan that is risky, but will guarantee their financial freedom and also give them the option for a new life outside of the core.